How to Align Images in WordPress Block Editor
After the release of the new block editor in WordPress(Gutenberg ), the content editing process has completely changed. Gutenberg is a completely visual way of producing content. It makes the content creation process a lot easier. This post discusses the way to add and different options to align images in WordPress block editor to create…

How to Publish Great Testimonials on Your WordPress Website
Publishing WordPress testimonials from customers, readers, and happy clients for promoting your service or products is a great method to boost conversions. This can also be used when you want the audience to stay for a longer time or want them to read your blogs. It helps in conveying to the potential audience and clients…

Steps to Completely Reset Your WordPress Website Without a Plugin
Everyone having a WordPress based website needs to undergo the procedure of resetting at least once. Plugins will be at your rescue for the same. But, before using them it is essential that you understand what it means and the parameters related to the same. You can make smart decisions in your development process by…

WooCommerce vs Shopify: Which One Is Good For Online Store?
So you've dove headfirst into the world of ecommerce and now your actions alone determine whether you will sink or swim. The ultimate goal is to generate a profit and hopefully immerse yourself fully into the world of self-employment. This can be scary, especially when you see how different self-employed taxes are compared to filing…

WordPress CDN – Why You Should Be Using One in 2023
Have you ever thought about why CDN is an important factor the content creators? Do you want to know whether using CDN gives you a push in WordPress or not? If you are a freelance content creator and looking forward to boosting up your WordPress, then WordPress CDN is the best thing for you. We…

Essential Steps Before Embedding PDF Files to WordPress Site
Embedding PDF files on WordPress sites can enhance the user experience and provide valuable information to visitors they might be looking for on the internet. It allows you to share documents, provide guides or manuals, showcase portfolios, and do much more. Here, you will explore the crucial steps you should take before embedding PDF files…

How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress
Facing the problem of 503 service unavailable error is common while working with WordPress, and is also extremely frustrating at the same time. Although the error is common, most of the people who use WordPress get confused due to the error as it can render the website and show it offline, which makes it extremely…

How to Fix the 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress
WordPress encounters a lot of errors, that are extremely annoying, irritating, and frustrating. Talking about the errors, some of the common errors that you mostly see on the WordPress websites is the 502 bad gateway error. This is a common type of error, which occurs most of the time, and the reason behind its popularity…