How to Edit Footer in WordPress (4 Best Methods)
In a world of websites trending and designing, where every day, new customizations options are arising. If you ever want to build a WordPress site function and be creative, then you should include footer and footer widgets in the Website. These are a few fundamentals that you must focus on, as everyday new visitors keep…

7 Ways To Design Your Website For Mobile Speed
In recent times, mobile is most important than the desktop. According to Google, 53.2% of searches are made via mobiles, and it will continue to grow in the future. That’s why Design website for Mobile speed is highly recommended by every digital marketer today. You should create a mobile-friendly website by following all the practices.…

4 Killer One Ideas To Increase Your App Downloads
So, you have built your app. Now, you just wanted to increase your app Downloads at less. You have done everything. The theme is perfect, the app is mobile-friendly, and the niche is fantastic. It doesn’t matter how many days and money you have spent on making such a wonderful app. The only thing matters…

Black Friday and Cyber Monday WordPress Deals 2022
Does searching the best WordPress deals seem to be a difficult task for you? Many times we do find a WordPress services and products that satisfies all our needs but unfortunately the price for that specific service is too high that we can't effort. But we are not alone with this kind of situation as…

How to Download YouTube Videos for Desktop & Mobile (2023)?
Currently, YouTube is one of the most in-demand video platforms across the globe. More than thirty million people watch five billion videos every day on this platform. Sometimes, we often need to download YouTube videos, and the reason can be anything, whether you want to watch it later or you want to share it through…

How to Optimize Your Product Listing Ads for more Clicks
Due to the rise in PLA, the e-commerce and online retailing markets have been expanding quickly. When we talk about optimization, we mean the process of developing advertisements that are relevant to consumers who view them and then perfecting these ads using data from A/B tests and user testing. The picture Customers will be more…

DuckDuckGo vs Google: A Detailed Comparison of Search Engines
When we think about search engines, what name comes to our mind first? Yes, you are right! It is Google. But is that the only effective search engine in the market? Maybe not. There are many other players on the field. DuckDuckGo is one of those. Google is the most dominant search engine on which…