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What are the LinkedIn Pros and Cons for a Business

What are the LinkedIn Pros and Cons for a Business
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Professional networking website like LinkedIn has played a crucial role in enhancing the business connections of firms across the globe. One can build connections, post jobs, find candidates, and land on attractive deals.

The registration process is quick but the important thing is that you create a comprehensive profile. A candidate’s profile can be used as a potential resume.

Once it is ready, go on to the next step of adding connections. You can ask or answers questions in the area of your expertise, as soon as the connection is established.

It is amongst the best sources of connecting with experts in the same industry, without any geographical barrier.

You will also have options to join the group and endorse people. The ultimate thing to remember is that you will have to spend time and resources for a fruitful output.

Everyone is eager to join this platform today. But, before you do so you must know about the LinkedIn Pros & Cons. This helps you in creating a better profile and effectively managing your communication with everyone.


The following includes the advantages section in this compilation of LinkedIn Pros & Cons.

  • The first and the best advantage is that it is easy to understand. In simple terms, it can be confirmed that LinkedIn is a social network for professionals, organizations, and MNC's. You can interact with individuals and companies with greater efficiency. The premium membership offered by the platform has executives from the organizations that are listed in the Fortune 500 list.
  • It is amongst reliable and most trustworthy recruiting platform. Established profiles of businesses and potential employees can be discovered. This makes job posting easy and recruitment convenient. It also provides an inbuilt analytical system that shows accurate data of unique visitors, page views, and other metrics.
  • It is mobile-friendly and all operations can be carried out from any device. The need of the moment is access from the smartphones and it has lived up to it. A particularly designed application for Android and iOS called Voyager is streamlining the mobile experience by simplifying it.
  • A personal page and a business page both can be set up individually and launched easily. The entire management can be done by a single user without any interference and will all accessibilities. This helps in maintaining a distinct image for business and for the business owner in the digital space of professionals.
  • A new platform called Pulse has been introduced that can be extremely efficient. For a specific set of the target audience, LinkedIn Pulse enables users to post blogs. Your content is categorized in it and shared with people that share the same interest automatically. It is a highly trafficked website from the SEO point of view. Therefore, the chances of indexing on Pulse are higher compared to the one on a personal blog.
  • Publishing a post on Pulse is easier than ever. The first step will be to log in to your account. Then find a pencil icon in the box that says ‘share an update’. Here you can create a new post and also upload images, text, and embed videos in a single click.


The following includes the disadvantages section in this compilation of LinkedIn Pros & Cons.

  • The overall time spent on this platform is considerably low as compared to the time spent on other social channels. Hence, if your potential target audience is youth for running an advertisement then it might not be the best option for the same. Conducting a market survey before running an ad is highly recommended.
  • You have to invest considerable time i.e. more than the normal spent on social channels for output. All the information relating to your profile like contact information and work history should be up to date. For building brand credibility active participation in the group is essential. Hence, considering following the trends and threads in the group is required. Peeping in once in six months will not work.
  • You will come across multi-tier programs relating to membership by LinkedIn. You will be restricted with limited types of searches on users when you are a basic member. It will also limit you to certain information on the non-contact’s profile. You will be entitled to pay for an annual or monthly subscription to gain all access.
  • All basic members might face constraints in generating organic leads for their business. Your products or services either have to be extra-ordinary or already well-known for generating the desired leads in a non-premium account.

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